maandag 20 december 2010

The End is near...

yep, 2010 is almost over. Just 11 more day's and we are kicking in 2011 :D So what can u expect from us in the new year? Well we will definetelly continue to make this podcast because we enjoy doing it so much.

But for christmas robbin told me he is going to produce an extra special christmas episode featuring a lot of cool tracks and remixes so please keep it tuned for robbin's special christmas episode.

After that the next episode will be featured on the third of januari 2011 This will be my episode and to make this an extra special new years episode i will try to mix the highest possible number of songs into 60minutes. So we will see how that will work out. And of course ill give you all a full legit 100% accurate playlist :P Wich will be an awfull lot of work but HE! it's new years so we need to celebrate that in some sort of way :)

2011 will be an awsome year, we have grown with an amazing rate over the last year. We have only made 16podcasts so far wich means we have been working on it for (16/4) = 4 months. And to reach this number of subscribers and total downloads in only 4 months?! Robbin and most certainly me where not expecting such a big succes.

So keep it tuned because we are going to end 2010 and start 2011 WITH A BANG!


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