zondag 31 oktober 2010

Long time no see?

it's been quite a long time since i posted a real note on this blog so here is my second official note :P

this few months where amazing for me and SyS. For example, episode 5 was online for only 29hours and we already saw the numbers growing to 700+ downloads.
.That's an amazing result because of the fact that this is just a fun hobby and not something we wanna make money with. Still, 700+ is just fantastic and did i mention that we have now had OVER 7000 downloads in total? Isn't that something? 7000 downloads. i have never dreamt it would be this big. Sure i thought that some people would download some tracks and probably enjoy them but 7000 in total ALREADY? no i did not see that one coming :P

Enough about the downloads let's talk about change. Funny word change we see it everywhere. It means so much yet so little. Anyway's we are gonna have a few changes around here asswell. For example: From now on we will also post mixes submitted by you. Offcourse not EVERY mix but just the ones of wich we think: This one is up for it! These "Special" episodes will not be available every monday but throughout the week. wich pretty much means every day BUT monday :P Wich does not mean everyday another mix XD but whenever we find one of wich we think yeah this one can do it. THIS ONE IS MIXMAFIA WORTHY :P

Me and SyS will still do your weekly dose of house beats that you can download every monday, so keep on doing that :D

Furthermore i just wanna tell you a little something about episode 10 ^^ This will be a very special episode made by SlammingYourSpeakers. Filled with 1 hour of YOUR favorite artist. And then u think HUH how do those guy's know what my favorite artist is? well the answer is simple, we don't and that is why we need you to goto http://Slammingyourspeakers.com and we need you to cast your vote! this way we know what kind of music you are into. With your help we can episode 10 an episode you wont forget !

All the love,
Peace and blessings,

SyS & Pim.

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